Azi am pierdut idolul copilariei mele, am pierdut omul care mi-a inveselit sufletul, mi-a descretit fruntea, mi-a alungat lacrimile cu muzica lui. Azi, am pierdut un Rege. Azi, muzica a ramas fara esenta sa.Ce goala va fi lumea mea fara de tine ....
Dumnezeu sa te odihneasca in pace si in liniste intru imparatia Sa, Mike! De azi inainte, nu te va mai putea rani nimeni! Noi ... te-am pierdut. Cerul ... a mai castigat un inger! Ce vesel va fi Raiul de acum inainte si cat de fericiti vor fi ingerii pentru ca-ti vor putea asculta live muzica de azi inainte!
Noi, cei ramasi aici, vom pastra vesnic vie amintirea ta, a zilelor in care sufletele noastre au fost in al noualea cer cu fiecare melodie a ta care a stat saptamani intregi pe locul intai in toate topurile de specialitate, cu fiecare concert al tau care a demonstrat ce inseamna perfectiunea, cu fiecare videoclip care ne-a transpus in lumea filmului de 3-5 minute!
Ramas bun, Regele meu drag! Azi, vei sti cu adevarat cate zeci de milioane de suflete bat pentru tine!
Dumnezeu sa te odihneasca in pace si in liniste intru imparatia Sa, Mike! De azi inainte, nu te va mai putea rani nimeni! Noi ... te-am pierdut. Cerul ... a mai castigat un inger! Ce vesel va fi Raiul de acum inainte si cat de fericiti vor fi ingerii pentru ca-ti vor putea asculta live muzica de azi inainte!
Noi, cei ramasi aici, vom pastra vesnic vie amintirea ta, a zilelor in care sufletele noastre au fost in al noualea cer cu fiecare melodie a ta care a stat saptamani intregi pe locul intai in toate topurile de specialitate, cu fiecare concert al tau care a demonstrat ce inseamna perfectiunea, cu fiecare videoclip care ne-a transpus in lumea filmului de 3-5 minute!
Ramas bun, Regele meu drag! Azi, vei sti cu adevarat cate zeci de milioane de suflete bat pentru tine!
FAREWELL, my wonderful & unique King !!! My world will be sooo empty from today on :((

It's Friday, 26.06.2009, 04:39am here, Bucharest, Romania time. I have more than 6 hours since I saw and read the first news on the arrival of Mike to the hospital, then on this death announced by tmz.com. I tried, I think as all your fans did, to reject this idea and I tried to find over and over, more and more news on this subject, trying to find smth to confirm that your death was only a bad-joke. I even started to hope, a little, when I saw on UCLA's webpage they did not confirmed the news.
But now??? What can I do now??? How to lie myself that all this is only a stupid nightmare and when I wake up, my world will be again an wonderful one, as it was since I met you and your music?? How to lie myself now, when your brother, hardly stopping his tears, officially confirmed your death and asked people to understand and respect this difficult moment your family is passing through?
My world will be soooo empty from now on. I lost all my childhood idols: in 1993 of Drazen Petrovic (29 years), in 2003 of Eduardo Palomo (41 years), 3 years ago my dad and yesterday (still today upon USA time) I lost my last idol, the one and only, the unique, the unmatchable King of my music world - you, Mike!
What's the point of this life if we are losing one by one the people we love??? :((
May you rest in peace, my dear King! Now, no one will hurt you no more!
These days, you will really see how many souls are breathing for you!
What can I say more? We ... lost you. The Heaven - gained one more angel ! :((
May God keep your soul in His glory!
Heaven will be happy from now on, all angels will be smiling every day as they will be able now to hear your music!
But now??? What can I do now??? How to lie myself that all this is only a stupid nightmare and when I wake up, my world will be again an wonderful one, as it was since I met you and your music?? How to lie myself now, when your brother, hardly stopping his tears, officially confirmed your death and asked people to understand and respect this difficult moment your family is passing through?
My world will be soooo empty from now on. I lost all my childhood idols: in 1993 of Drazen Petrovic (29 years), in 2003 of Eduardo Palomo (41 years), 3 years ago my dad and yesterday (still today upon USA time) I lost my last idol, the one and only, the unique, the unmatchable King of my music world - you, Mike!
What's the point of this life if we are losing one by one the people we love??? :((
May you rest in peace, my dear King! Now, no one will hurt you no more!
These days, you will really see how many souls are breathing for you!
What can I say more? We ... lost you. The Heaven - gained one more angel ! :((
May God keep your soul in His glory!
Heaven will be happy from now on, all angels will be smiling every day as they will be able now to hear your music!
FAREWELL MY WONDERFUL & UNIQUE KING !!! From my heart and my soul, no one will be able to remove you - not even the time!
My soul is kneeeling now again.....
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