O melodie superba ;)
Sa vedem diseara ce loc va obtine.
Esti barbatul meu, esti jumatatea mea, spune-mi ce s-a intamplat, stiu cand ceva nu merge asa cum trebuie, simt cand nu mai vrei sa incerci
Te pot iubi mereu in felul asta? Mai pot avea incredere in tine in felul asta? ...
You are my man,
You are my half
Tell me what's happening
I know something's wrong
I can tell when you lie
I can tell you stopped trying
And these last three weeks passed and we barely talk
I think I know and it’s breaking my heart
Am I in or am I out?
Can I love you forever through this?
Can I trust in you forever through this?
I don’t know how to stop,
How to stop
These tear drops (a-ah)
That drip drop, drip drop
Drip drop, drip drop (o-ho, o-ho)
These tear drops (a-ah)
That drip drop, drip drop
Drip drop, drip drop (o-ho, o-ho)
Tell me where have you been?
Why are you late?
You smell like lipstick, again
Come on, answer my question, say something
Why are you acting out? Or say it’s in my head
I don’t wanna end
Can I love you forever through this?
Can I trust in you forever through this?
I don’t know how to stop,
How to stop
These tear drops (a-ah)
That drip drop, drip drop
Drip drop, drip drop (o-ho, o-ho)
I don’t wanna cry,
I don’t wanna hear your name
If this is how it is
I don’t wanna run,
Run away from myself
And be lost again
Oh no no no, oh no no no
forever through this?
I don’t know how to stop,
how to stop
These tear drops (a-ah)
That drip drop, drip drop
Drip drop, drip drop (o-ho, o-ho)
These tear drops (a-ah)
That drip drop, drip drop
Drip drop, drip drop (o-ho, o-ho)
sâmbătă, 29 mai 2010
Anna Bergendahl - This Is My Life (Sweden) - semifinale Eurovision 2010)
M-am saturat sa merg in varful degetelor... Pentru ca asta-i viata mea ...
I go, down the beaten track
along the river with an empty bag
At the end she said to me: Why are you here, with the autumn leaves?
Cause this is my life, my friend, and this is my time to stand
Cause this is my life, my friend, and I cant be no one else
Im done, tipping on my toes
strike an iron and attack my soul
Misty moon, youre gonna see
Ive got you blues to get on my feet
Cause this is my life, my friend, and this is my time to stand
Cause this is my life, my friend, and I cant be no one else
I dont wanna run; I dont wanna fight
I dont wanna hide; I just wanna stay free, to be me
I dont wanna win; I dont wanna lose
I dont wanna play; I just wanna remember, oh my name
Cause this is my life, my friend, and this is my time to stand
Oh, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh
(Cause this is my life, my friend, and this is my time to stand)
Cause this is my life, my friend, and I cant be no one else
Cause this is my life, my friend, and I cant be no one else
Cause this is my life, my friend
joi, 27 mai 2010
A murit Jean Constantin :((
Ieri, 26-mai-2010, Romania a mai piedurt un om de exceptie.
Un actor magnific, care ne-a descretit fruntile de atatea si atatea sute de ori, mai ales noi, cei care am crescut cu el.

Pentru noi, pentru generatia noastra, este o pierdere imensa.
Dumnezeu sa-i odihneasca sufletul in liniste si in pace, alaturi de ingeri!!

Astazi, sicriul va fi depus in foaierul Teatrului Fantasio, acolo unde a debutat pe scena in 1957 si unde admiratorii vor putea veni sa isi ia ramas bun. Inmormantarea va avea loc vineri la Cimitirul Central din Constanta.
Jean Constantin s-a nascut la 21 august 1928 la Techirghiol, in judetul Constanţa. A debutat pe scena la sectia de estrada din cadrul Teatrului de Stat Fantasio din Constanta, in 1957.
Printre cele mai importante filme ale sale se numara "Revansa", "Nea Marin Miliardar", seria "B.D", "Haiducii lui Sapte Cai", "Toate panzele sus", "A doua cadere a Constantinopolului", "Coana Chirita", "Iancu Jianu Haiducul", "Cum am petrecut sfarsitul lumii" si "Supravietuitorul".
Ultimul sau film este "Poker", in regia lui Sergiu Nicolaescu, lansat in primavara acestui an.
Un actor magnific, care ne-a descretit fruntile de atatea si atatea sute de ori, mai ales noi, cei care am crescut cu el.

Pentru noi, pentru generatia noastra, este o pierdere imensa.
Dumnezeu sa-i odihneasca sufletul in liniste si in pace, alaturi de ingeri!!
Astazi, sicriul va fi depus in foaierul Teatrului Fantasio, acolo unde a debutat pe scena in 1957 si unde admiratorii vor putea veni sa isi ia ramas bun. Inmormantarea va avea loc vineri la Cimitirul Central din Constanta.
Jean Constantin s-a nascut la 21 august 1928 la Techirghiol, in judetul Constanţa. A debutat pe scena la sectia de estrada din cadrul Teatrului de Stat Fantasio din Constanta, in 1957.
Printre cele mai importante filme ale sale se numara "Revansa", "Nea Marin Miliardar", seria "B.D", "Haiducii lui Sapte Cai", "Toate panzele sus", "A doua cadere a Constantinopolului", "Coana Chirita", "Iancu Jianu Haiducul", "Cum am petrecut sfarsitul lumii" si "Supravietuitorul".
Ultimul sau film este "Poker", in regia lui Sergiu Nicolaescu, lansat in primavara acestui an.
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